

Step into the realm of myth and legend with Gift an Author Publishing, LLC, your gateway to weaving captivating and enchanting tales of mythology. Our comprehensive range of writing and publishing services is designed to bring your mythological story to life in all its epic glory.

Meet Kristine Meier-Skiff, the mastermind behind Gift an Author Publishing, LLC, and a true aficionado of mythology. As an Indie author herself, she understands the challenges of assembling the puzzle pieces required to publish a top-notch mythological novel. This realization sparked the idea: “Imagine a publishing company that offers Indie authors like me the full suite of services provided by traditional publishers. A company that meets our unique needs while ensuring complete ownership of our work and artistic freedom.”

And so, Gift an Author Publishing, LLC was born. We’re here to provide the services you need to embark on your mythological journey. Are you in search of a ghostwriter or a developmental editor? Look no further. Our team consists of diverse authors, each with their own writing specialties, cultural backgrounds, and vibrant lifestyles, ready to breathe life into your mythological masterpiece.

But that’s not all. If you’re yearning for exquisite illustrations, captivating cover art, or seamless formatting, we’ve got you covered. Our talented artists and graphic designers possess the magical ability to transport your readers into the heart of your mythological realm, where every stroke of the brush and meticulous formatting detail helps your story come alive.

At Gift an Author Publishing, LLC, we go beyond writing and design. We’re also experts in publishing and marketing, equipped with the knowledge and strategies to launch your mythological tale into the hands of eager readers. From crafting compelling book descriptions to devising eye-catching promotional campaigns, we’ll ensure that your story shines brightly in the vast cosmos of mythological literature.

In addition, we offer author coaching, guiding you through the treacherous paths of the publishing industry. Our seasoned professionals possess the wisdom of ancient sages, ready to share their knowledge and empower you on your adventurous writing journey.

Every member of our team at Gift an Author is a highly skilled professional dedicated to delivering excellence. We take pride in our work, guaranteeing your satisfaction at every step of the way.

So, fellow myth-weavers and tale-spinners, if you’re ready to embark on an epic adventure of writing or ghostwriting your mythological story, look no further than Gift an Author Publishing, LLC. Our services blend professionalism with wit and adventure, creating an experience that will leave both gods and mortals in awe. Contact us today, and let the magic begin!

About the author

Kristine Skiff administrator